| "I wouldn't want to be like you" plays while Robert Duvall leaves the monotony
of his job for the day. |
 | The lyric "It's the evening of another day" from "Some other time" plays as
Robert Duvall returns home at the end of the day. |
 | The lyric "could it be that somebody else is looking into my mind" from the
same song plays as Maggie McOmie is being viewed on a monitor. |
 | The song "Breakdown" plays as both Duvall and McOmie literally do just that.
The chant of "Freedom, freedom" at the end of the song co-inciding with the two
deciding to go against the establishment and commit the banished act of love
making. |
 | "Don't Let it Show" plays while the love affair between the two characters
blossom but are forced to conceal it. |
 | The lyric from the song "The Voice": "Someone is watching you, they're gonna
get you" plays as the two characters continue to break the law despite being
viewed on monitors by the authorities. |
 | "Nucleus" syncs beautifully with the scene where Duvall, his mind elsewhere,
almost causes a radiation overload at work. |
 | "Day After Day (The Show Must Go On)" plays as Duvall and McOmie are caught
and arrested, the nonconformists removed letting "the show" that is their
society go on. |
 | The creepy "Total Eclipse" superbly orchestrates the scene where THX 1138 has
a series of medical tests on him before being sentenced to punishment. |