Pink Floyd Alan Parsons The Beatles Radiohead Oasis Rush Yes Deep Purple The Flaming Lips Primus The Rolling Stones Jethro Tull David Bowie Dream Theater Coldplay Red Hot Chili Peppers The Beach Boys Metallica Muse Lorde

The Final Cut (1983, 2004)

The Final Cut (1983) with The Longest Day (1962)

bulletdiscovered by Andrew Wendland in Dec. 1999
bulletrevealed on 16.04.2000
bulletsync length = album length (approx. 43 minutes)
bulletside 1 of the album at the beginning of the movie (6 songs); side 2 of the album at the end of the movie (6 songs) -- a "final cut"
bulletstart CD when first scene fades in, sync works for 6 songs
bulletfast forward to end of movie, just before the credits start
bulletrewind tape/DVD for 22 minutes 44 seconds
bulletpause the film right when a soldier with binoculars appears on the screen
bulletstart CD at the track "Get Your Filthy Hands off My Desert" and play movie
bullettry to line up the loud explosion with the building exploding from the shot from the tank; this may require a little bit of experimentation
bulletmust use the original 1983 version and not the 2004 version, which includes a bonus track "When the Tigers Broke Free" and has different track times for the other songs

The Final Cut (2004) with Patton (1970)

bulletdiscovered by Andrew Wendland in Feb. 2006
bulletrevealed 16.04.06
bulletsync length = album length (approx. 46 minutes)
bulletmust use 2004 version with the bonus track "When the Tigers Broke Free"
bulletstart CD at the beginning when the American flag appears
bulletplay CD one time only