Pink Floyd Alan Parsons The Beatles Radiohead Oasis Rush Yes Deep Purple The Flaming Lips Primus The Rolling Stones Jethro Tull David Bowie Dream Theater Coldplay Red Hot Chili Peppers The Beach Boys Metallica Muse Lorde

Wish You Were Here (1975)

Wish You Were Here (1975) with It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

bulletdiscovered by Jeff Stillman and Andrew Wendland in Nov. 1997
bulletrevealed on 16.04.1998
bulletsync length = movie length (approx. 2 hours 12 minutes)
bulletstart the CD at the beginning of the movie after the bell has made its third ring
bulletrepeat the CD until the end of the movie

Wish You Were Here (1975) with Westworld (1973)

bulletdiscovered by Andrew Wendland in Jan. 2020
bulletrevealed on 02.02.2020
bulletsync length = movie length (approx. 1 hour 29 minutes)
bulletstart the CD at the beginning of the movie when the MGM lion appears
bulletrepeat the CD once until the end of the movie
bulletthe album artwork has so many clues pointing to this movie
bulletI'm so excited about finding this sync that I couldn't wait until April to reveal it!